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Posted January 28th, 2006, by rob-ART morgan, mad scientist We've all been frustrated with the lack of top performing CPUs in the recent G4 PowerBooks. Apple's answer is to switch to the Intel "Core Duo." Daystar Technology has another solution: upgrade your PowerBook's G4 CPU to run as high as 1.92GHz. We sent our 15" Aluminum G4/1.5GHz PowerBook to Daystar to be upgraded. Although we were hoping for 1.92Ghz, our PowerBook could only achieve 1.83GHz. (Since our testing, they have released a 2.0GHz upgrade for the 15" Aluminum G4/1.5 PowerBook. We'll be reporting on it soon.) GRAPH LEGEND: ANALYSIS Needless to say, we are anxious to compare the new MacBook Pro Core Duo 1.83GHz to our PowerBook G4/1.83GHz. We will add those results to this page as soon as we get our hands on a MacBook Pro. HEAT AND POWER USAGE OTHER UPGRADE OPTIONS You can add speed by using external FireWire 800 or SATA drives. Yes, you can add external SATA drives, thanks to the new SATA II Cardbus products. Expanding your memory to 2GB can increase performance in two ways: Unfortunately, you can't upgrade the graphics processing unit (GPU) as you can with Power Macs. It's a shame that Apple's innovation doesn't include removable GPU modules -- similar to what AlienWare does with the Area 51 laptops. WHERE TO BUY THE DAYSTAR CPU UPGRADE FOR THE POWERBOOK Daystar Technology -- They specialize in CPU upgrades for "orphaned" Mac systems like the iMac G4 Flat Panel and various PowerBooks. February 15th, 2006 -- Daystar announces up to 2.0GHz upgrade for Aluminum G4 PowerBooks. The base price of $499 includes all parts and labor. OTHER POWERBOOK PRODUCT SOURCES Apple Online Store -- New and Refurbished PowerBooks OtherWorld Computing -- PowerBook memory and hard drive upgrades TransIntl -- PowerBook memory and drive upgrades Wiebetech -- external bus driven FireWire 800 drives (both 2.5" and 3.5") and docks MaxUpgrades -- PowerBook Sleeves and Briefcase FWDepot -- FireWire and SATA Cardbus cards; external FireWire and SATA enclosures For noise suppression, nothing beats ear covering headphones like the Bose Quiet Comfort 2. For ear "fobs," we use the Bose In-Ear Headphones when listening to our iPod -- Help support Bare Feats by ordering your Bose headphones from Sharper Image. Has Bare Feats helped you? How about helping Bare Feats? |
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