Refurbished Macs at Small Dog

BARE FEATS - real world Mac speed tests

"BARE facts on Mac speed FEATS"

Cinebench Ratings

Originally posted Sept 29th, 2003, by Rob-ART, mad scientist
Updated July 24th, 2004, with G5/2.5GHz MP results

This page is for all those who want to see the Cinebench 2003 results in CB Rating instead of time in seconds.

The bars in WHITE are from the G5 Power Macs running the G5 "aware" Cinebench 2003 Beta release. Maxon says more optimizations are coming. (heh, heh, heh....)



If you go by the clock speed, the 2.5GHz model should be 25% faster than the 2.0GHz model. In the case of Cinebench, the 2.5GHz is only 21% faster. We'll report on "real world" tests in the near future.

To see other G5 RESULTS, visit the "G5 vs G5 vs G5" test page...

... or go to the RECENT TESTS index page.






© 2003-2004 Rob Art Morgan
"BARE facts on Macintosh speed FEATS"
Email , the webmaster and mad scientist