MAIN INDEX of latest speed tests
ARM CHAIR ANALYSIS: Originally posted August 9th, 2006, by rob-ART
morgan, mad scientist.
The much anticipated delivery of the first Intel based Mac Pro towers is at hand. We hope to have our dual-dual-core 3GHz Mac Pro Xeon delivered by next week -- which we plan to run against our 2.5GHz Quad-Core G5 using our regular set of real world tests along with a few new ones. Meanwhile, we have some interesting information for you to ponder... CPU ADVANTAGE With the "Intel optimized" Photoshop CS3 about a year away, I'm getting email from pro users are wondering whether to get the new Mac Pro or a closeout-priced G5 Quad-Core. We'll post our Photoshop CS2 test results asap. Here's a chart comparing some of the specs of the fastest Mac Pro with the fastest G5 Power Mac: GPU ADVANTAGE Here's the specs of the two "mid range" PCIe graphics cards: Apple's Mac Pro GRAPHICS page shows the X1900's specs and performance so close to the $1650 Quadro FX 4500 and so far above the GeForce 7300 GT that the choice is a no-brainer for most consumers and professionals. (You will have to wait 3 to 5 weeks to get the X1900 XT. We didn't want to wait that long so we ordered our Mac Pro with the GeForce 7300 GT. We ordered the Radeon X1900 XT separately as a kit, even though it costs more.) Looking over the Windows PC graphics card comparisons posted by Anandtech.com, it looks like the X1900 XT is a better choice over nVidia GeForce cards when it comes to DVD decoding. The X1900 XT scored higher than the GeForce 7800 in all but one decoding test. However, hard core 3D gamers are going to wish they had the option of the GeForce 7900 GTX and SLI support, according to Anandtech's High-End Quake 4 test results. Will graphics cards from the PCI-Express Dual-Core G5 Power Macs work in the Mac Pro? NO. Will graphics cards from the Mac Pro work in the Dual-Core G5 Power Macs? NO. Will standard Windows PC graphics cards work in the Mac Pro? NO. They require special firmware to work in the Mac Pro. Apple uses the Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI). Is there support for SLI or CrossFire on the Mac Pro? NO. One nice touch by Apple: The Mac Pro's "thick" high-end graphics cards don't encroach on the adjacent PCIe slot. They use a "double wide" 16 lane slot for the graphics card so you can use all three of the remaining slots. For those of you with Dual-Core or Quad-Core G5 Power Macs, you might want to know that ATI is planning a Radeon X1900 for the G5 towers with PCIe slots. PCI EXPRESS BUS CONCERNS By comparison, the Quad-Core G5 uses an Apple proprietary PCI Express controller that provides a total of 32 lanes (16 + 4 + 8 + 4). It's also a shame Apple didn't throw in at least one 133MHz PCI-X slot in the Mac Pro since the 5000X chipset supports it without stealing bandwidth from the PCIe slots. STORAGE EXPANSION TO 2 TERABYTES (?) Many of you are questioning why Apple is repeating the "up to 2 terabyte" mantra when we all know there are 750GB drives available now. Four of them would equal 3 terabytes (2.7 formatted). We installed four 750GB drives in the Mac Pro. Whether using them as individual drives or as a RAID set, the Mac Pro handled them just fine. For more on this, read our special "Internal Mac Pro Drive REPORT." It includes the answer to the question: "Can you boot from a RAID set inside the Mac Pro?" FAST SATA CONTROLLER MORE THAN FOUR INTERNAL DRIVES PRICEY MEMORY EXPANSION PORTS GALORE CONCLUSION The Quad-Core G5 is a strong alternative. We like ours so much, we're tempted to buy a second one for an unrelated Photoshop intensive project. It's still a viable alternative to the new Intel based towers -- especially with closeout/refurb pricing and bargains on memory. WHERE TO ORDER YOUR MAC PRO (or Quad-Core G5) If you live in the USA and plan to purchase an APPLE product, please CLICK THIS LINK or any APPLE DISPLAY AD to help us earn our affiliate commission. It's a great way to support Bare Feats. WHERE TO ORDER YOUR MAC PRO MEMORY We recommend getting your memory upgrades from third party vendors. In our initial Mac Pro testing, we used kits provided by Other World Computing. They are a good source for quality memory at a reasonable price. Plus OWC has a "Trade In Your Factory Memory" REBATE program. TransIntl.com is shipping Mac Pro memory with Apple suggested heat sink specs. They took great care to engineer their heat sinks for maximum thermal efficiency using 6 fins on each side (versus 4 on the Apple factory modules) and special aluminum alloy. We tested these and can vouch that their heat sinks are truly efficient in absorbing and dissipating heat. MaxUpgrades offers their unique "MacSink" design for a heat sink (using 2 clips instead of 4) which results in more fin area exposed to the airflow. We've tested them and they are very effective. MaxUpgrades will sell you the memory with the heat sink or just the heat sink. Their prices are very competitive, too. We also tested the Data Memory Systems Mac Pro memory with conventional heat spreaders. It ran an average of 10 deg F warmer than the memory with "fat finned" heat sinks. DMS is also offering memory with Apple approved" heat sinks as an option. REFURBISHED G5 POWER MACS Has Bare Feats helped you? How about helping Bare Feats? |