iPhone 3G S versus 3G
Posted Tuesday, June 23rd, by rob-ART morgan, mad scientist
So how much faster is the iPhone 3G S compared to the iPhone 3G? And is there any performance benefit to upgrading the iPhone 3G from the 2.0 to 3.0 software?
SunSpider Javascript Benchmark is a Real World, Balanced, Statistically Sound test.

Benchmark iPhone app by Matt Matteson tests the CPU and memory speed of the iPhone by seeing how fast it can create 100,000 dynamic objects.

Tiger Woods PGA Tour iPhone app does a flyby of the first hole when you start the game. We timed how long it took to render and complete the flyover.

The fourth test was to see how long it took to download and render a web page using Safari iPhone app. All three iPhones were on the AT&T 3G network.

3.0/3Gs = iPhone 3G S with version 3.0 iPhone Software
3.0/3G = iPhone 3G with version 3.0 iPhone Software
2.0/3G = iPhone 3G with version 2.2.1 iPhone Software
RED bar indicates the fastest performance
1. The iPhone 3G S is from 1.5 to 6 times as fast the iPhone 3G, depending on what app you are running and what version of iPhone Software you have. Impressive.
2. Upgrading your iPhone 3G to the 3.0 software will make it run faster doing some things (SunSpider) but slower doing others (rendering certain websites). Yet the extra features (like cut/paste) of iPhone 3.0 Software "cast the deciding vote."
YouTube video shows the 3G and 3G S side by side rendering the same web page.
TapTapTap shows the iPhone 3G S running 3D games faster than the 3G.
Special Thanks to Mark Booth, my friend and iPhone guru, for his assistance in testing the three permutations of the iPhone.
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