We used AJA System Test with 8.0GB File Size and 2048x1556 10-bit RGB Video Frame Size.

LBD #2 SSD = latest Little Big Disk Thunderbolt with dual 6Gbps SSDs in RAID 0 set
LBD #1 SSD = 2011 Little Big Disk Thunderbolt with dual 6Gbps SSDs in RAID 0 set
Rugged TB SSD = latest LaCie Rugged USB 3.0 with 6Gbps SSD using the Thunderbolt port
Rugged U3 SSD = latest LaCie Rugged USB 3.0 with 6Gbps SSD using the USB 3.0 port
LBD #1 HDD = 2011 Little Big Disk Thunderbolt with dual 7K HDDs in RAID 0 set
Rugged TB SSD = latest LaCie Rugged USB 3.0 with 750G HDD using Thunderbolt port
The Standard Test from QuickBench includes small random transfers ranging from 4K to 1024K simulating what goes on constantly with OS X housekeeping and certain applications.

#1: The latest Little Big Disk is as much as 45% faster than the 2011 model when doing large sequential transfers.
#2: The Rugged transfers just as fast with the USB 3.0 port as it does with the Thunderbolt port -- but having both ports is welcome flexibility. (It is also compatible with USB 2.0 ports.)
#3: The small random transfer test reminds you that not all activity on your storage is going to be super fast. It also highlights the fact that Solid State Drives (SSDs) handle small random transfers much faster than Hard Disk Drives (HDDs).
#4: Though the dual drive Little Big Disk is faster than the single drive Rugged, it requires AC power while the Rugged runs on USB and TB bus power.
The improved LaCie LaCie Little Big Disk Thunderbolt and the versatile LaCie Rugged USB 3.0 storage devices are welcome companions to the latest Macs with Thunderbolt and USB 3.0 ports.