Problem Solved:
Apple's 24" Cinema now connects
to standard DVI ports
Posted Friday, September 18th, 2009, by rob-ART morgan, mad scientist
Many of you want to buy the 24" Apple LED Cinema Display but your Mac Pro's graphics card does not have a Mini DisplayPort. Apple offers adapters that connect a graphics card with a Mini DisplayPort to a Display with a DVI connector but none that connect a DVI connector on your graphics card to a display (like the 24" Apple LED) with a Mini DisplayPort connector. That meant you either had buy the 30" Cinema Display at $1799, an older 20" or 23" Cinema Display, or a third party display with a DVI connector. Now there is at least two solutions.
First, Gefen has announced their DVI to Mini-DisplayPort Converter

This adapter is designed for Mac users who want to use a standard DVI port to connect to the Apple LED Cinema Display (24" flat panel) or any display with a Mini DisplayPort. It supports high definition resolutions at 1920x1200@60 Hz and comes packaged in a small enclosure for easy installation.

Second, there is the Atlona AT-D200 DVI-to-Mni DisplayPort converter box. (SEE THE FULL REVIEW.)

WHERE TO BUY DVI to Mini DisplayPort converters
Order direct from Gefen or Atlona.
Other World Computing has the GeForce GTX 285 Mac Edition as does Club Mac.
ClubMac has the ATI Radeon HD 4870 Graphics Upgrade Kit along with Apple Online Store USA.
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