Who is the King of 3D?
Updated 5/27/99 by Rob Art Morgan (barefoot@hawaii.rr.com)(For 2D results, check out the King of 2D shootout)
This test is useful for seeing how well your computer can "fly" through a 3D model that has been pre-rendered.
As many of you have come to understand, GAME performance is the ultimate graphics test and correlates with graphics performance for more "serious" applications.
3D Gaming King? Any 3Dfx Voodoo2 board.
"All Around" 3D King? Any RAGE 128 board.
Test Equipment & Procedures
Graphics Accelerator Bits Video RAM Options or Special
Features Orion RAGE 128 128 16M "Rev A" RAGE 128 128 16M comes with DVD
hardware Vision 3D Pro II
Lite 128 8M none ix3D Ultimate Rez 128 8M both kinds of display
connectors Xclaim VR RAGE Pro 64 8M video in/out ports; supports
optional T.V. tuner; supports 16 bit RAVE used in games like
Quake and Unreal Power3D (3Dfx
"voodoo1") ??? 4M designed to be daisy chained to
the other boards to provide 3Dfx for games like Unreal and
Quake Game Wizard (3Dfx
"voodoo2") 192 12M designed to be daisy chained to
the other boards to provide 3Dfx for games like Unreal and
(shipped with B'n'W "Yosemite" G3)
Many thanks to:
Consult Absolute Mac, Deal Mac and my Hot Deals page for best prices on the above products.
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© 1998, 1999 Rob Art Morgan.
Gotta Question? Comment? Want to advertise?
Email Rob Art at barefoot@hawaii.rr.com